I am fascinated by myths, and what they can tell us about how our ancestors thought about themselves, the world around them, and their origins and I have explored this in my books Brutus of Troy and the Quest for the Ancestry of the British, In Search of Aeneas, Classical Myth or Bronze Age Hero?, and In Search of our Ancient Ancestors: from the Big Bang to Modern Britain, in Science and Myth.
I have also uploaded some articles here:
- Brutus of Troy
- Troy: Fall of a City
- Descents from Mythical Heroes and Gods
- Descendants of the Trojan kings
- Brutus and Butrint
- The Pictish King List
- City State of Totnes
- Brutus and Galicia
- Petroglyphs of Galicia (published externally on the Ancient Origins website)
- Somerset Giants
- Brutus in Totnes, 2024

Myself exploring the magnificent stone circle of Callanish on the island of Lewis